Here's a cool LTM lens made by Nikon. It is the rare collapsible version, I do not think that very many were made. You should look up some images from this lens, I think that you'll be impressed. It has nice bokeh wide open and looks especially nice stopped down. It is also tiny, collapsed it can fit in my palm (not something you can say about many lenses being made today!)
There is a small line of separation on an inner element (see photos) but it is on the edge, it will not affect your images. Otherwise the glass is clean and scratch free with no haze, fungus, or other problems. The focus is smooth and the lens collapses and opens perfectly. There is a tiny amount of oil on the aperture blades but it does not impact their function. They open and close smoothly.
A slip on front cap and the cool metal lens bubble are included.
SKU: 231030-24